Could less mean more for your business?

Could less mean more for your business?

Information is everywhere nowadays. Especially in the digital world. You can get pages and pages about almost anything in just a few taps of your phone. But when there’s so much information, how do you separate the worthwhile from the waffle and find content that’s useful or valuable?

This is how today’s consumers are starting to think. Many are starting to actively reduce the amount of time they spend looking at screens and are seeking out high-quality content that educates and informs them. One of the knock-on effects of this is that the keyword-stuffed low-quality webpages and blogs are becoming a thing of the past.

It also means businesses are having to adapt and think carefully about what content to publish. It needs to be relevant, useful, and engaging, so people will actually want to read it.  Sounds simple, doesn’t it? In practice, however, it might not be, so let’s take a look at some of the ways you can do this with your business.


Content comes first

Start by thinking about what you should talk about. Focus on subjects pertinent to your industry, and don’t be tempted to jump on a bandwagon just because everyone else is. People will soon see through you. Instead, concentrate on informative content that shows your expertise in your area. Don’t actively try to sell either. If people see you as an authority on something, they’ll naturally buy from you or use your services.


Do your research

This goes hand-in-hand with the previous point. Look at what people are talking about or looking for online and provide content that helps them. If consumers are asking a question, try and answer it, or give your opinion on something that might affect them.


Think strategically

Once you’ve done all that, you can come up with a strategy about what to post when. In some industries this is relatively easy (accountants at tax year end or the start of the next one, for example). Set up a spreadsheet or a big whiteboard in the office with your content plan.


Remember, you’re in this for the long term

You might find that you lose subscribers by taking this approach. Don’t worry if this happens, as the ones you do have, will be much-higher quality and stick with you. They’ll engage with you and what you have to say, and (hopefully) buy your products too.


There are other benefits too – Google now favours this style of content over that produced for search engines. Its algorithms actively rank it higher because it recognises it as content consumers want to read. And if you’re someone whose content is regularly right up there, you’ll quickly become established as a go-to expert in your field.


The key is to remember that’s it’s not about how often you post; it’s making sure you post top-quality when you do. Get it right, and less really could be more for your business.


If you are looking for office space or co-working space in Warrington, with social distancing measures in place, contact us today. 

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