Could less mean more for your business?

Could less mean more for your business? Information is everywhere nowadays. Especially in the digital world. You can get pages and pages about almost anything in just a few taps of your phone. But when there’s so much information, how do you separate the worthwhile from the waffle and find[...]


A Warrington IT specialist whose programming skills helped support a five-fold increase in on-line training for NHS staff as covid-19 spread is predicting another spike in learning. Chris Bain from Chatbot Labs, located in The Base on Dallam Lane, says he is expecting monthly training sessions on the E-learning for[...]

Ixis celebrates 16 years in business

What sectors are doing well during COVID-19?

As coronavirus (COVID 19) has torn through countries’ economies around the globe, you’d be forgiven for thinking that no sector was safe. And while there have been major casualties, it’s also true to say that certain sectors are doing well during the pandemic. Some are even thriving. So, let’s look[...]

Discover the success to scaling up your business

Elevating your business to the next level is never going to be easy. There comes a time, through natural evolution, where many businesses are faced with one of biggest decisions the company has faced since it began – do we scale up? Scaling up a business is not a step[...]


Two new occupiers have taken leases at The Base on Dallam Lane in Warrington, the town’s fast-growing technology and engineering hub. PixelTree Media and Moorgate Enterprises have taken more than a thousand square feet between them in the Grade A office building, joining a range of leading employers, including Ixis,[...]

Have you got a networking strategy?

Never underestimate the power of networking when it comes to business. Professional networking is not just about swapping business cards or gathering a list of connections on LinkedIn, it is a crucial part of your business strategy – and if it isn’t, it should be. Heather White, founder of Smarter[...]

Boost your business with apprenticeships

Have you ever considered the benefits of employing your own apprentices? More and more businesses are looking at how to run successful apprenticeship schemes because of the wide range of benefits, including creating a dedicated workforce as opposed to hiring one. All sectors are suffering from significant skills gaps in[...]

Improve your recruitment strategy

A business is only as strong as its employees, so how do you recruit the best staff should be a key objective? Hiring is a laborious task and a costly one, so taking the right steps and putting the effort in will reap rewards. It needs to be an efficient[...]

Capitalise on the £20m Made Smarter Pilot

Announced to huge fanfare in November 2017, the Made Smarter Review provided a definitive view of the UK’s industrial and technological landscape – and delivered proposals to put the nation at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is a cornerstone of the government’s Industrial Strategy, which is why[...]


Dallam Lane

01925 909777

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*Prices quoted are per desk per month, subject to contract and do not apply to co-working space.

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