Part I – Intellectual Property – The Five Types Important to Your Business

Creating and scaling a business is often based on the idea that you have a product or solution that the rest of the marketplace doesn’t currently offer.  Whether it’s a new product or an improvement to something that already exists, you wouldn’t have started a business based on a tired[...]

Women in Engineering

Why we need more women engineers Next year will witness a remarkable centenary – the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES). This, no doubt, will come as a surprise to many that there is an organisation boasting such a proud and long history that, from[...]

3D Printing – The Opportunities

When 3D printing was first invented, the opportunities and scope seemed small, maybe even niche. A mix of expensive equipment and a lack of expertise and education on the features and benefits meant that nobody wanted to be the first to move forward. Even early adopters were nervous to seek[...]

Part II – 3 Helpful Tips to Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) is one of the most important and valuable commodities in business. Protecting the ideas, branding and product you have created can be the difference between you and your competitors, going viral or going unnoticed, and ultimately the survival of your company. If these ideas are being replicated[...]

Immersive Technology – Staying Competitive

There is increasing awareness and use of immersive technology in the industrial sectors as more companies see Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) as significant tools in the workplace. At present, it is VR and AR that are the most prominent technologies, but even now they[...]

Digital Transformation

It used to be that sophisticated technology in the workplace was a fax machine, photocopier and a couple of computers that only two people in the office knew how to use. Today, the evolution of the technology means the office of yesterday is barely recognisable, while the tasks may remain[...]

Invest In People: The Real Drivers of the 4th Industrial Revolution

The rapid pace of technology adoption in business is changing the workplace as we know it. It's time businesses to invest in people. Artificial Intelligence, automation, robots and cloud technology are all bringing significant benefits to businesses but improvement cannot be achieved and sustained by technology alone – it also[...]

Cross-industry Innovation

Cross-industry Innovation: Don’t just think outside the box – look outside the box Too many businesses retain a silo mentality and fail to look beyond their sector for answers and inspiration for much-needed solutions. There is a desire to plough on and believe that the answer will come in a[...]

Industry 4.0 – Debunking the Myths

A year ago, the spotlight was turned on the Industry 4.0 with the back-to-back launches of the Made Smarter Review and Industrial Strategy White Paper. This double whammy was not by accident and signalled not only a huge shift to highlight the benefits of this Fourth Industrial revolution but also[...]

Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers

The wheels of industry cannot turn without engineers. The United Kingdom has a long and proud history of engineers who have left an indelible mark on society throughout the three industrial revolutions. The forefathers of the First Industrial Revolution such as Boulton, Watt, Brunel and Stephenson trip off the tongue,[...]