Why going back to the workplace could have a positive impact on you

If you’re one of the millions of people who might be returning to your workplace soon after months of working from home, you might not be sure how to feel about it. There’s thinking about what to wear for work again, and having to travel, getting back to ‘normal’ is something we’ve all been waiting for, but now it’s actually here, you might have mixed feelings about it, as we all have to adjust to a different way of doing things.


One thing that is clear though, is that going back to the office or wherever you’re based, could have a positive impact on you, and it really is still something worth getting excited about.


A change (of scene) is as good as a rest

After months of sitting in a kitchen, spare bedroom or dining room, going somewhere different can make a refreshing change. You won’t have to look at the same four walls and keep seeing the same people with the same backgrounds on Zoom calls.


Better facilities for working

Of course, kitchens, bedrooms and bedrooms aren’t designed to be workplaces – not for the long-term anyway.  Offices have everything you need to be productive and work safely. They also create a clear distinction between home and work, where you know your working day’s over once you leave the building.


Return to a regular routine

Having more structured days can only be a good thing. It can be all too easy to let things slide when you’re at home all day, even if you’re working. When you’re at a place of work, you normally have regular start and finish times, take your lunch at a similar time every day, and organise days much more rigidly than you do when working remotely.


Improved mental health

For some people, working from home isn’t a positive experience. It can be very lonely if you live on their own, or there can be lots of distractions with a big family, which makes it difficult to concentrate on work. Spending time outside can help anxiety too, so anyone without a garden or outdoor area will probably feel better if they’re back in a work environment where there’s more space and a better working environment.


You can mix with other people (safely, of course)

Life in lockdown means you’ve only really seen other members of your household for a considerable chunk of time. Returning to work means you’ll be able to catch up on the office banter and share stories with colleagues, while maintaining social distancing guidelines.


Two heads are better than one

Having other people to bounce ideas off and work with is quite difficult when you can’t talk directly to them. That will change once everyone’s back together, so any jobs where teamwork’s required will thrive. You’ll see creativity and collaboration boom too.


A feeling of familiarity

Just as you’ve got used to working from home, doing it from your office again will start to feel familiar in no time. It might not be exactly the same it was, as our working lives continue to adjust, but you’ll soon get back into the swing of things.


If you are looking for office space or co-working space in Warrington, with social distancing measures in place, contact us today. 

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