Top tips for making business decisions in uncertain times

While we’re still living through such uncertain times when everything always seems to change very quickly, making business decisions for the future can be difficult. But that doesn’t mean you should put important things like rebuilding your business or reviewing strategies and tactics off. So, with that in mind, here[...]

National Career Development Month at The Base

November is National Career Development Month. It was set up by the National Career Development Agency (NCDA) in 1967 as an annual event to promote career development and help people attain their work goals. As well as giving advice and suggestions to businesses and schools hosting career development events, the[...]

New ways of working – the pandemic impact

The impact of coronavirus on the office. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic continues to have a huge affect on our working lives and looks like it will continue to do so for some time yet. But just what will the future of work look like? Will commuting to the office become[...]

Framework or Standard? Apprenticeships 2020

2020 is the year old-style apprenticeship frameworks are being replaced. This is something the Institute for Apprenticeships has been working towards for the last three years. The idea behind this is to raise the overall standard of apprenticeships for those taking part in them, and the employers apprentices go on[...]

What sectors are doing well during COVID-19?

As coronavirus (COVID 19) has torn through countries’ economies around the globe, you’d be forgiven for thinking that no sector was safe. And while there have been major casualties, it’s also true to say that certain sectors are doing well during the pandemic. Some are even thriving. So, let’s look[...]

Could less mean more for your business?

Could less mean more for your business? Information is everywhere nowadays. Especially in the digital world. You can get pages and pages about almost anything in just a few taps of your phone. But when there’s so much information, how do you separate the worthwhile from the waffle and find[...]

AI for small businesses: what are the benefits?

  You might be thinking Artificial Intelligence (AI) is something big companies do, not smaller businesses like yours. You might not even be sure of what AI is, so here’s a quick explanation you might find useful. AI is basically where a machine is introduced to collect or analyse data[...]

Why going back to the workplace could have a positive impact on you

If you’re one of the millions of people who might be returning to your workplace soon after months of working from home, you might not be sure how to feel about it. There’s thinking about what to wear for work again, and having to travel, getting back to ‘normal’ is[...]

The importance of networking in times of crisis

As a business owner, you’ll know how important networking is. For most of you, it’s probably a crucial part of your business, as it helps you stay in regular contact with other business owners and can help you find new potential customers and suppliers. During normal times, you’ll probably meet[...]

Video marketing: a must for 2020

There are more videos online than ever before. The rise in social media use and apps means brands have never had a better opportunity to engage with customers by sending them a message straight to their smartphones and inboxes. Video marketing looks set to be one of the biggest trends[...]


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The Agents for themselves and for the Sellor/Lessor of this property who agents they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or a contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of the Agent(s) or the Seller/Lessor. 3. None of the statements contained in these particulars is to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. 4. Any intending Buyer or Tenant must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 5. The Seller/Landlord does not make or give and neither the Agent(s) nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

*Prices quoted are per desk per month, subject to contract and do not apply to co-working space.

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